WASD to move around the dice.

Click on a card then a tile to attack


  • Pawns can move 1 tile per turn in a straight line
  • Bishops can move 1 tile in any direction or 2 tiles in a straight line
  • Knights move in a normal chess knight pattern

If all dots of a side are captured, you lose that side. If you lose all sides... you lose.

This game was made for the GMTK 2022 Game Jam by a team of 5 noobs:

**Aspect ratios other than 16:9 do not fully support fullscreen mode**


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Interesting idea: you need to defend tiles with "magic powers" from chess pieces attack. I got to around ~14000 by the time I only got 1 tile left, and the problem is that it seems, it becomes possible to play in this state (1 tile away from losing) and defend the last tile indefinitely (or at least until very unlucky). I am stopping at 17530.


Thank you, we realized the balancing issue way too late. Thanks for the feedback